Reima Pyy
Director / Sludge Treatment
+35850 016 1246 reima.pyy@operongroup.fiSludge Treatment services cover the whole lifecycle of sewage sludge processing and disposal. Our service portfolio includes sludge transportation, sludge handling process operation and sludge refining and marketing as a fertilizer for farmers.
The sewage sludge treatment services by Operon cover equipment contracting, sewage sludge treatment processes and production of soil improvement profucts out of sludge and marketing it for agricultural purposes
Our patented sludge processing methods ensure cost efficient and hygienic sludge hygienization. Thanks to this method, massive storage spaces are no longer needed for sludge, as the processing method takes only about one hour to complete per batch of 10-15 metric tons.
In addition to this patented method, Operon also employes other methods for sludge processing. Each year, we process over 120,000 metric tons of raw sludge from wastewater treatment plants in seven locations in Finland.
Using hyginized sludge as a soil improvement product contributes to circular economy and supply security as well as saving money for farmers through decreased need of inorganic fertilizers.
Operon’s sludge treatment services are answering to the sludge treatment challenges today and tomorrow
Operon’s sludge treatment services frees up resources to run your core business and secure the operability for your sewage sludge end-disposal.
Director / Sludge Treatment
+35850 016 1246 reima.pyy@operongroup.fiAssistant Administration
+35840 724 0738